Unitech FPLCV2 SLIM 42-50
FPLC V2 Slim series of flat panel ceiling lift mechanisms is characterized by excellent utility, slim profile and unique features. Elegant and silent, this popular series of lifts is constantly enriched by new models! FPLC V2 Slim with simple swiveling at 110 degrees from ceiling and minimum ceiling depth required at just 160mm! Model type :FPLCV2SLIM42-50
suitable for panels with max. dimensions 1280x756x90mm
lift dimensions (WxLxH) 1712x916x160mm
maximum load capacity up to 35kg
lift weight 72kg
maximum opening angle at 110o
maximum vesa 800x400mm
lift dimensions (WxLxH) 1712x916x160mm
maximum load capacity up to 35kg
lift weight 72kg
maximum opening angle at 110o
maximum vesa 800x400mm
€ 6.892,92(VAT included)